The 2018 CYGIA Management Trainee Graduation Ceremony was successfully ended in Minghu Hotel, Zhuhai in Dec.21. CYGIA's CEO Rich Mao and GM of Daming Tech Ryan Ruan attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.
The whole ceremony including Senior Leadership Oration, Team Report, Tutor Review, Management Trainee Representative Speech and some other part. Every team brought us a remarkable team report, including form of drama, videogame, PPT presentation. Both Senior Leadership of company and Tutor team were satisfied with team report, and gave a high praised to their performance.
At the end of the ceremony, CEO Rich Mao gave a speech to all the management trainees. He mentioned the theme of 2018 CYGIA Management Trainee Plan was "Unfolding sail and chasing your dream", which meant CYGIA wished graduates could have a good starting here, and he wished all the 2018 CYGIA management trainees can finally realize their dream.